
My Ideal Apartment

My ideal apartment has to have a living room, a porch, a bathroom, a bedroom, a study room, a guest room, and a kitchen. A screen separates the entrance and the living room, thus the view of the apartment cannot be observed from the entrance. In the living room, I would like to put a couch, a table, a television, and some bookcases, and fill the corners with plants. Beyond the living room is a porch, where I would like to raise plants, it would be perfect if distant mountains or sea can be seen from the porch. Next to the living room, there are a bathroom, a bedroom, a study room, a kitchen, and a guest room, from the right to the left respectively. In the bedroom, I would like to put a double bed, a wardrobe, some bookcases, and a small side table next to the bed. In the study room, there is an L-shape desk which is surrounded by bookcases, some artistic productions, a door, and some paints or sketches if I am good at drawing. The guest room is in traditional Japanese style (wooden floor, higher than the floor outside the room, a mat for sleeping rather than a bed). In the guest room, there are some bookcases at the corners, and books arranged neatly on the walls. In brief, I want to arrange my ideal apartment as a big bookcase.

