
Favorite Food

Describe your favorite food WITHOUT telling me what the name of it is.
Describe the texture, the smell, the look, the taste of it in as much detail as possible. Describe the feeling when eating it.

My favorite food is a traditional Taiwan appetizer. The soul of the delicacy comes from the sea; the foils are eggs, coriander leaves, flour, and sweet-spicy sauce. The soul is a round, crystal creature (animal). The most interesting about this round-crystal sea creature is that it’s planted in the sea. The techniques of planting does matter, it will be good to chew instead of too soft if it’s planted well. The planting method quite relates to the habit of this cute creature and the tides.
It’s smell so good when it’s fried in the pan; it makes me stop in front of the stand and to buy one, to satisfy my watering mouth. I should not write this journal in the evening, it gives me a good appetite and makes me very hungry…

