Global Voices Online » China: Patriotism triggered, though under censorship (Global Voices)
Global Voices Online » Korea: Independence Movements in Tibet and in Korea
抬槓|Tai'gang: 複雜糾葛的西藏問題
Dalai Lama fears village massacres as Chinese troops retaliate for protests (Guardian)
除了 Dalai Lama 前面要加 The之外,另外注意下面這段
The Dalai Lama said that he had long ago accepted Chinese control over Tibet in exchange for guarantees of genuine internal autonomy.
"The whole world knows the Dalai Lama is not seeking independence, 100 times, 1,000 times I have repeated this. It is my mantra - we are not seeking independence."
He added that he was "always ready to meet Chinese leaders, particularly Hu Jintao"- a reference to China's president, who in 1989 oversaw a bloody crackdown in Lhasa as regional Communist party secretary.
China Terrorizes Tibet (NYT)
"In its annual human rights report on 190 countries, the State Department conceded that Beijing’s overall performance remained poor. But in what looked like a political payoff to a government whose help America desperately needs on difficult problems, the department dropped China from its list of 10 worst violators.
Whatever gain China may have gotten from being elevated above the likes of North Korea, Myanmar, Iran and Sudan was lost by the crackdown on Tibet."
Railroad to Perdition (NYT)
And even as their culture is undermined by the railway, most Tibetans are unlikely to enjoy any economic benefits from it. With a price tag of more than $4 billion, the Tibet railway is the most ambitious and costly element of China’s current drive to develop its western regions, known as the Great Leap West. But its construction was based upon the Communist Party’s old strategic and political objectives, and its main beneficiaries will be the Chinese military units stationed there, Chinese companies and Chinese settlers. Most Tibetans don’t have access to education that would allow them to compete in the economic environment created by China’s policies, nor are they welcome to share the fruits of its success.
青藏鐵路 (wiki)
Tibet and the Olympics (Washingtonpost)
這篇文章在講奧運跟青藏事件,還有International Olympic Committee(IOC)對這起事件的回應。值得注意的是下面這段談IOC跟中國簽定奧運主辦國合約時,中國必需同意的條件,其中一條是媒體進入權(採訪自由之類時,不知道怎麼翻)。
In bidding for the Olympics, Chinese officials argued in 2001 that international attention would improve the country's human rights policies. China also signed a host city contract -- which the IOC refuses to release -- that lists the conditions China agreed to. An IOC spokeswoman says the document does not include "elements on human rights." The contract does, however, contain a section on media access, and it surely must mandate adherence to the Olympic Charter, which promotes "a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity." At the very least China appears to be violating these provisions, given that it is suppressing news coverage of Tibet and punishing domestic journalists and dissidents (such as Hu Jia, who was tried earlier this week) for exercising rights guaranteed by not only the Universal Declaration of Human Rights but also by China's own constitution.
Trouble in Tibet (Washingtonpost)
這篇在簡述西藏「自治」區的事件演變。注意"Tibet Autonomous Region",這個 Autonomous 真是一個諷刺。
These are the largest protests in two decades, and they are part of a greater narrative of repression of the Tibetan people. For decades the Chinese government has afforded the "Tibet Autonomous Region" little in the way of autonomy, and it has punished monks and laypeople for devotion to their exiled religious leader, the Dalai Lama. After decades of repression, monks and other Tibetans have chosen to seize the moment. They, like others with grievances against China for its human rights policies, realize that these few months ahead of the Olympics present their best chance to gain the world's interest.
Tibet's peace of the grave (Guardian)
The reaction of the Chinese authorities to the Tibetan protests evokes echoes of the totalitarian practices that many of us remember from the days before communism in Central and Eastern Europe collapsed in 1989: harsh censorship of the domestic media, blackouts of reporting by foreign media from China, refusal of visas to foreign journalists, and blaming the unrest on the "Dalai Lama's conspiratorial clique" and other unspecified dark forces supposedly manipulated from abroad. Indeed, the language used by some Chinese government representatives and the official Chinese media is a reminder of the worst of times during the Stalinist and Maoist eras. But the most dangerous development of this unfortunate situation is the current attempt to seal off Tibet from the rest of the world.
How long must we wait? (Guardian)
The UK must immediately and publicly demand that the Chinese government allow the western media and independent observers into Lhasa and other Tibetan towns. UK embassy representatives should be monitoring the situation on behalf of the British people. Gordon Brown must also make it clear to the Chinese government (as the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, did last year) that human rights cannot be ignored in favour of trade. The leaders of both opposition parties have already announced that they will meet the Dalai Lama when he visits the UK in May. As our latest front cover's photomontage suggests (see left), it's about time Brown did the same. How can our prime minister shame the British public by doing any less?
The UK government's silence only emboldens the Chinese government to believe it can trample the basic human rights of Tibetans with impunity. And silence sends a tragic message to these brave protesters that the British government is prepared to turn a blind eye.