
Happy New Year

Hello, it's the first day of a new year, again. Well, there were so much tasks not yet been done, so much goals not yet been achieved, and so much books not yet been read...

The heartbreaking thing in the past year would be my dog, Zai-Zai, died. And the most heartbreaking thing was I haven't been distressed, depress, and sad; maybe it results from I have spend much time with him; there's little bit space in my mind for memorializing him but enormous cubicle for the bothering, trifling common customs.

Not to mention to what lost in the past year, considering what I got would be...graduated from Ming-Chi, getting into ntust and major in CSIE which I yearned day and night, got a job at Wanner cinema village and quited for the preparation of exam, got a job at rose house and quited with cognitions, again, got a job in study-center and meet someone interesting, and study at ntust with old classmates.

Much people want to be promoted, honor and wealth, though, such common customs always cost much, for instance, youth. Can I achieve such common customs without youth burned?

Happy new year, every wishes will come true.

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