

 Few days ago, a custom had a chat with me. She said that some of her friends suggested her going to marry to an engineer instead of taking the entrance exams for graduate schools.

 Well...engineers are so poor...they, maybe I should say we because I probably become an engineer one day, are equipments of corporations, and meal tickets at home!

 I'm not a conventional guy who thinks a marriage or marriages and family or families are necessary. Even though I am the only child of my father, I don't want to sacrifice for having a son to carry on the family name, nor for proliferating human being. Human being won't be extinct cause of my will of not reproduction. I don't want to add one to the worker level being exploited by bourgeois nor capitalist. I do mind my retiring age delayed because a child or children need feed, what I can stand is just feeding my parents till they're in their tombs.

 If I get married or cohabit with someone, the reason would be economic reasons, for example, we can share the rent, the loan, the cost of books (if the other one loves reading), and enjoy a lower tax bracket.

