
Literature and Life take home exam

What’s the relationship between the subjects of the objects we have seen and life?

What’s the notice of “Frankenstein”?

What’s the relationship between the subjects of the objects we have seen and life?

In “Lady and Tiger”, I found the jealousness, distrust, class, and family status in life. The king disagreed with his daughter and an officer were in love, because the officer had a much lower family status than theirs, and the officer was in a much lower class; the princess was jealous of her lover had somewhat romantic relationship with a maid; when the officer went to the door which the princess directed him to choose, he hesitated to open it, he had somewhat suspicion on the princess’ kindly help, the suspicion was that was the princess such a generous, forgiving, and kind woman to make the officer and the maid being a couple?

In “The Lottery”, I found the ridiculousness and absurdity in life. We all felt the villagers were ridiculous, they believed if they kill someone by throwing him or her rocks and stones, they could have a plentiful harvest and a relaxation. And the real-life world is also ridiculous, we discriminate against people, classify people on the race, the ethnicity, the level of education, the amount of income, and the status of society.

In “King Lear”, I found the ambition, snobbishness, and blindness in life. The two oldest daughters of King Lear treated him as the greatest, closest, and most important father while he hadn’t release the throne yet, whereas they treat Lear as an abandoned old and mad man after he delivered the country to them. The youngest daughter, Cordelia, was pure, unselfish, and unflinchingly loyal. Lear treated Cordelia as nothing because he was blinded by the sweet words, while Gloucester was blinded by lies and tricks.

In “Frankenstein”, I found the stubbornness, selfishness, prejudice, and revenge in life. Frankenstein is a stubborn man, he insisted relive his teacher, hence birth a poor monster without name; he insisted relive his wife, Elizabeth, hence made her suicide. The man made by Frankenstein encountered much discrimination and prejudice, everyone treated him as a monster, attack him and run away from him, even though he had done a lot help for his wanted friends. The man decided to avenge his maker, Frankenstein, this decision sank Frankenstein in tragedy.

I had read the Jane Austen’s novel “Pride and Prejudice” published by Penguin, and seen the movie in class. What I found in “Pride and Prejudice” are pride and prejudice of course. When Elizabeth Bennet first met eligible bachelor Fitzwilliam Darcy, she thought him arrogant and conceited, while he struggled to remain indifferent to her good look and lively mind. When she later discovered Darcy had involved himself in the troubled relationship between his friend Bingley and her beloved sister Jane; meanwhile she was blinded by Whickham’s lies, she was determined to dislike Darcy more than ever. Jane Austen shows the folly of judging by first impressions. When Elizabeth had read the letter from Darcy many times, she regretted what she had judged. She said ‘Vanity, not love, has been my folly’. And I have been impressed by Elizabeth’s lively life philosophy: Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure.

What’s the notice of “Frankenstein”?

In the film “Stargate SG-1”, the replicas have human shape, human looks, and human thoughts. They can love the others, but they can’t get the trust from human; they avenge their creator, human, like the story Frankenstein.
In Margaret Atwood’s fiction “Oryx and Crake“, Crake capriciously creates a new human being and destroys original ones. Crake’s capriciousness likes Frankenstein’s.
In Michael Crichton’s fiction “Prey”, the scientists egotistically create an intellectual, loosing control nanometer being for their wealth. The selfishness of them likes Frankenstein’s.
In Umberto Eco’s fiction “The name of the rose”, the old monk Jorge follows his belief to kill some monks. He stubbornly guards a book from exposing. To blindly protect his world, his belief, he burns all of the books, all the wisdoms and intelligence in the library. The stubbornness and blindness like Frankenstein’s.

We all hope our lovely family, friends, lover could live for a very long time. We all hope we can accompany with our loves forever. But, if our lover, family, or friends die, do we have the right to relive them even with a human they wouldn’t want to be? I think it’s not, we have no rights to relive them for our egotistic sake, and we have no rights to make any decision for them to live with deficiency.
We often blindly do something harmful, but we always know it until the harm gotten. There are always a lot of sounds come from our consciences and the other’s advises; if we spare a bit of time to think about our scheme twice, we may avoid the harm. If Frankenstein spares a little bit time to think about his working, he may avoid creating a monster and a series tragedies.


body language

What customs relating to body language do we have in Taiwan?

When we are driving, and the drivers in front of us may extend their hand out of the window, and then wave the hand, it mean we go first, or the drivers opposite to us may indicate a direction with five fingers closed up, it’s also mean we go first, and we often pass them and thanks them with a nod.

When we are in a class, in an address, or in a conference, we may nod to represent we agree this idea. We may see somebody nod regularly, it’s mean they feel the topic is really boring, they are just dozing of.

When we walk on the road, there may be a salesman or a saleswoman or an inquirer attempts to intercept us for filling a questionnaire. We may turn our face and look the other side to pretend we haven’t see them, or unfortunately, they block up our way, we may look our watch to show we are in a hurry and want them hasten to get out the way. If they keep bothering us, we may make a sound “Ze”, to represent we are impatient or angry at them.

If we ask our friends how they arrive a certain date, they may extend their clenched fists, and revolve the right one, it mean they ride a motorcycle to the date. They may extend their fists and roll up and down their fists; it means they drive a car to the date. They may extend their index finger and middle finger, and move these fingers alternatively, it mean their walk to the date.

If someone gives us a suggestion, gratitude, an apology, we may response them with a fist knocks on the chest. This mean I got it.

When we play or address on the stage, the co-workers or sponsors may circle with their hands, it’s mean we have no time, hasten end this play or address.

How do the languages reflect the culture

How do the languages reflect the culture? Give examples.

If somebody is a doctor or has a ph.d degree, we may call them by a doctor with their last name, for example, Dr. Chen. The reason may because we respect his or her profession, or because people enjoy the title or the prefix.

We have a word “Xue Dao”, represented by two characters; we have this word, because we believe there are some points at our body that affect human health. We have a word “Qi”, represented by one character, and “Qi Gong”, represented by two characters; we have these words because we believe there is a circulating energy in our body, and the energy take a part of our living and our health.

We have ten heavenly stem or “Tian Gan”, including “Jia”, “Ji”, “Bing”, “Ding”, “Wu”, “Ji”, “Geng”, “Xin”, “Ren”, and “Gui”, used as serial numbers. We have twelve Earthly Branches or “Di Zhi”, including “Zi”, “Chou”, “Yin”, “Mao”, “Chen”, “Si”, “Wu”, “Wei”, “Shen”, “You”, “Xu”, “Hai”, used as hours in a day, for example, “Mao” represents the period of the day from 5 to 7 a.m.. We often get up at this period. And “Zi” represents the period of midnight from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. Our liver usually takes a rest at this period. And we combine Tian Gan with Di Zhi to designate years, months, and days.

We have twenty-four solar terms in our lunar calendar. At the winter solstice (“Dong Zhi”), we eat sweet dumplings or “Tian Tang Yuan” for adding a year of age. We also eat Tang Yuan at Lantern Festival (“Yuan Xiao Jie”), which observed the first full moon in a lunar year.

We have a goddess who protects the fisherman, the goddess called “Ma Zu”, to commemorate a heroine, Lin Mo Niang.

The Chinese writing brush, we call it “Mao Bi”. In the past, our ancient write something on the paper with “Mao Bi” which soaks in ink in ink stone. The method of writing with “Moa Bi” called calligraphy or “Shu Fa”, which the Cloud Gate inspired from.

There is a word, “Otaku”, originated form Japanese. This word means someone who indulges in his or her own interest, particularly comics and animations. If a male belongs to Otaku, we call him “Zhai Nan”.

culture shock

If you have a chance to visit a foreign country for a year, where would you go? What kinds of the culture shock would you expect? And how would you conquer it?

If I have a chance to visit a foreign country for a year, I would go to the U.S.A.
The first culture shock I think it would be the “Everyday Courtesies”. I have heard that it is common courtesy to say “Thank you” or “Thanks” when we receive anything whether it is a purchase handed to us by a saleswoman, or a gift, or the receipt from a salesclerk. If someone does service for us, such as pumping our gas and opening the door, we also must say “Thank you”, or “Thanks”.

The second culture shock I think it would be the “Tipping Culture”. How much we should tip and when is an important preparation. Tips are given to waiters and waitresses, although we don’t need to tip people who serve us at a fast-food take-out restaurant or a cafeteria. A minimum restaurant tip would be 10%; if the service has been good, 15% is the normal amount. If the server has been especially helpful, and we taken a lot of their time, we should leave 20%.
Taxi drivers also receive tips, usually 10%. If they have helped us with a lot of luggage, or made a special effort to get us somewhere on time, we might give a bit more.
If hotel or airport staffs help us carry out our bags, we should give them a minimum of 50 cents per bag, or $1 if the bags are large and heavy. If we’re careful to tip them properly we have a better chance of them sending our luggage to the right airport.
When we get our hair cut, it is also proper to give a tip at 10%, some shops have special envelopes for this purpose.

The third culture shock I think it would be the prominent issue, “Sexism”. Sexism describes any act or statement that discriminates on the basis of gender. We should remember that sexism is not just related to obvious issues like sex roles and job hires; it is reflected in our attitudes and behaviors which may offend some people.
Comments such as “Women are bad drivers”; “She’s a woman so she wouldn’t understand”; and “Man are rude” are not wise statements to make. If we don’t want to get a reputation for being sexist, we better don’t make any assumption about everyone of a certain sex.

America has trouble with inter-racial tensions and discrimination. Some of the Racism is based on the history of slavery, immigration laws and recent world events. I heard this is not a problem for Asian students, however, about the racial or ethnical comments, we might be wisest to simply walk away, in case we might found our response makes no impact, or causes a very defensive.


What are your values? Give reason if possible.

I think a human being could not live happily only with the incomparable professional abilities, a good educational background, a high rank in a company, a high social status, even an enviable income.

I think who am I seem to somebody else is not the index of happiness to me. The happiness doesn’t depend on how enviable the job is, but it depends on how I think the job is. The confidence doesn’t depend on what grades I get at school, but it depends on what I learn from classes. The wealth doesn’t depend on how much money I earn, but it depends on how I use the money.

To me, humane accomplishment is no less important than the study. Studying is important; it might give me a promising future, whereas I can’t tolerate cramming hard for exam. I need something enriching my mind, like literacy which could make me relax, expand my scope of viewing, make me wiser, and inspire my imagination.

A student treats grades as everything, particularly who major in science and technology. The student might be very good at their major, but they might seem like Frankstein or scientific eccentric.

I think exploiting somebody is unfair, unjust, and immoral. I hope I can prevent from obtaining benefit from exploiting someone else, and be exploited as less as possible. Maybe an academic job is good for me, I guess.

visible difference and hidden difference

What are the visible difference and hidden difference that a foreigner to your country might notice? Give reasons if possible.

Foreigners in Taiwan, they might notice our staple food is rice, rather than a slice of meat. If they go to a seafood restaurant or a common restaurant, they might notice we drink Taiwanese bear or rice wine with the meal rather than table wine.

In hidden culture scope, they might be shocked by our system of education including nursery schools, elementary schools, junior-high schools, high schools, vocational schools, collages, universities, institutes, and cram schools. Lots of our students go to cram schools every phase to advance to a higher and national school. In addition to our doctrine of advancing to higher school, they might wonder why our kids drag to school with dragging a heavy bag.

Foreigner wants to know somebody, they might ask her or him for a date to dine, but we might ask for her or his MSN account or cell phone number or wretch album.

Foreigner students may notice that the students here study wider than them, but in depth, their courses are much deeper. We have lots courses every semester, and each course use only one textbook, while each of their courses related to many books, references, and theses.

Westerns may have a tendency to feel that everyone is rude here, because “Please” and “Thank you” are not used as often as they are. It is common courtesy to say “Thank you” or “Thanks” when they receive anything whether it is a purchase handed to them by a saleswoman, or a gift, or the receipt from a salesclerk. If someone does service for them, such as pumping the gas and opening the door, they also say “Thank you”, or “Thanks”. But here, we don’t do that so often, or we don’t do that at all.